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DPS Requesting Help from the Augsburg Community

The Augsburg Department of Public Safety (DPS) has received a report concerning an incident that may have occurred in the Urness 9th Floor bathroom on Monday, March 18 at approximately 5:30 AM. If you have any information regarding the incident, we encourage you to connect with DPS staff through any of the following methods:

  • Call DPS Dispatch at 612-330-1717 (staffed 24-hours a day)
  •  Visit DPS Dispatch in the Urness/Mortensen Lobby (staffed 24-hours a day)
  • Contact DPS via text through the CampusShield
  • Messages can be sent anonymously through CampusShield

We want you to remember that if you notice or experience something that seems strange, out-of-place, or unsafe or if you are concerned about the behavior or safety of another community member or person on campus, you can always contact the Department of Public Safety for support.

Additionally, you can report concerns to Augsburg staff through any of the following methods:

Residence Life

  • Reach out to your Community Advisor; if you do not know who your Community Advisor is, you can connect with Residence Life staff at
  •  Visit the Residence Life Desk, located in the Urness/Mortensen Lobby. The Residence Life Desk is open from 9:00 AM to 6:00 PM, Monday through Friday.

Dean of Students Office

  • Submit an Incident Report to the Dean of Students. Incident Reports can be submitted anonymously.

Finally, if you need support, the following resources are available for you:

  • ProtoCall is a free and confidential over-the-phone counseling and crisis support available to all Augsburg students on weeknights and weekends. To talk to one of their counselors, call 612-330-1707 and press 1.
  • The Center for Wellness and Counseling is located on the 1st floor of Anderson Residence Hall. You can also call them at 612-330-1707 or email to schedule an appointment.
  • Campus Ministry staff is also available for confidential spiritual counseling. Their offices are located on the main floor of the Foss Center (next to the chapel entrance). You can call 612-330-1732 or email